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collect service中文是什么意思

用"collect service"造句"collect service"怎么读"collect service" in a sentence


  • 代收服务
  • 收报人付费业务


  • Codes of sanitary supervision for the garbage - collected service to the international vehicles
  • Call & collect service is available , orders above 50 packs , each pack will be $ 2
  • In europe they charge a one percent commission on the amount of the claim for their collecting services while in the united states they do the work without charge to the importer
    在欧洲他们收取索赔全额的1 % ,作为他们收款服务的佣金;而在美国他们仅例行服务,不向进口商收取费用。
  • Since new china is established , monopolistic china post take on all postal service as country , such as mail send business of passing , postal financial transaction , stamp collecting service , information service items and postal saving , etc . though in nearly several years , some business of china post , such as express mail service , postal saving , etc . , received domestic and international strong competition of competitor
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